Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More GiveAway Fun!

Monday, March 30, 2009
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
The story goes, "if you give a mouse a cookie,....he will want some milk to go with it...." I think this must be the story of my life ;) I've been having so much fun with projects lately, I keep adding more. I still don't have a pincushion (maybe I'll get that done later today). But I have some awesome pins to put in it when I get one!
I was brainstorming little crafts to make with some teacher friends from school. We try to get together every once in awhile and have lunch, now that I'm no longer teaching. They're always asking if we can MAKE something...they're both really crafty, so I think they will enjoy making some of these little pins. Here are some tips if you would like to make some too:
Using a ziplock freezer bag to work on, I rolled and worked the clay in my hands to warm it up and make it softer. I found that toothpicks and the pins themselves made great shaping tools. Once I got the basic shape of my pin topper, I molded it around the pin head. You can also mix colors by taking a bit of the two or three you want to mix and tearing/molding into a ball until the color is uniform. When I was happy with my pin "goodies", I placed them on a baking sheet and baked them in the oven for 30min. at 230 degrees Farenheit. (directions for baking are also on the FIMO package!)
I think a clear coat of poly or something similar to make them shine would be nice. The possibilities are endless! I obviously had sweets on the brain when I made these.
And lastly, I need to brag about my hubby. He came home from work on my birthday with a bag from Clemenine's Dry Goods. Inside, I found three 1/2 yard cuts of beautiful Amy Butler Fabric that he had picked out himself, as well as a Pineapple Rule acrylic quilting ruler :) What a good birthday ;)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
On Pins and Needles...
I am without a pincushion. I know that sounds silly to all you seasoned seamstress and quilting folk, but I am in my adult life without a pincushion. I know I made several as a kiddo, and I'm pretty sure my mom had about 12, but now I don't have one. I've been keeping my straight pins in a plastic box. Well, it's time to make one! Here is a lovely FREE pattern for a square pincushion from Heather Bailey. I'm going to go make mine this evening....I even have some remnants of her fabric from the Pop Garden quilt I'm making for my mom (still waiting on that Birdseed fabric by-the-way...)

And while we are on the topic of cutie pincushions, there are some darling straight pins out there...Wouldn't it be fun to sit down with some polymer clay and design some of these? My friend, Jamie, is a whiz with polymer clay. She made a cake topper for my sister-in-law's wedding that was so very cute. Here are some darlings that I spotted on etsy today...

The pins above came from Piece of Peace and run about $4.50 / set of 6
Below, one of my favorite etsy shops, GigiMinor

Friday, March 27, 2009
Coin Quilt for Titus
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Birthday Give Away!!!
In honor of my favorite day of the year (aside from Thanksgiving, where you get a huge dinner AND pie), I'm doing a special give away! One lucky reader will be chosen at random to get their hands on this cutie pie doll quilt I whipped up this evening...
(measuring tape not included in the giveaway)
Here's how to enter the fun... (U.S. residents only, please)
Leave a comment about your favorite blanket growing up. Be sure to include your email address. Receive a bonus entry for being a follower of my blog. That's it! Best of Luck!
I will announce the winner on April 3rd!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Birthday Bouquet
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Just one more project...
We played at McCormick's Creek today in honor of my mom's birthday. Here is a pic of Titus enjoying the bubbles that Nana put in his treat bag (....well, we ALL got a treat bag with bubbles!! And, they were scented!)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
It's Coming Along....!
I've been collecting fabrics for a coin quilt for Titus, as well as an extra long quilt for Jeremy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
More Fun with Camera Strap Covers
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Birthday Rocket for My Buddy, Seth
Thursday, March 12, 2009
New Blog!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cutie Hat Giveaway!

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Softies Are Swell

I like this guy's snaggle tooth. He looks so determined.

And, of course, owls are all the rage! She's pretty in pink! I like this one for my little niece.
This little monster's name is Hugzilla. Titus would love him! Who wouldn't? He's all business on the front with his bowtie, and party in the back with his dino-spikes!
It's okay to want one for me too, isn't it???
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Darling Little Artists

I *heart* Miss Sarah Jane's illustrations, etsy store, and blog BIG TIME! Visit her blog, and she has posted templates for you to cut out your own kiddo's finger-painted masterpieces to create a little wall gallery in the style of Eric Carle. Thanks, Sarah Jane for the darling idea!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday makes me want to shop...

I purchased a set of these cards from Bibitty on Etsy, just before Christmas. They really make my son's freshly painted room look complete! I LOVE them! You can also find sets of Spanish and French cards too.
Have you heard that the "cool moms" carry Mommy Calling cards now? I guess it's so you can get in touch with other moms that you may meet at the playground, McDonald's line, what have you. I saw these at PaperRamma and thought they were adorable. They come in a tiny carrying charm that goes on your keychain. What will they think of next?
Sewing Tid-Bits
Have you seen those super cute scarfettes that are so popular on Etsy? There was an old cowl-neck sweater in my closet that had shrunk too much for my taste, so I upcycled the cowl into a scarfette. There is a layer of lace added to the top and some vintage buttons from my stash. I also used some grey and evergreen-colored felt to add a little somethin'-somethin'. Hmmm... perhaps it would look better on.
Thanks to an awesome graphic design friend in our Life Group from church, I should have a new look to my blog, coming soon.....