Friday, December 10, 2010
Handmade Memories

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hap-appy Holidays from Verizon and Queen of Free

Friday, November 12, 2010
Christmas Cards from Shutterfly
Everyone LOVES a photo card, right? I agree that "hallmark" cards with sweet sayings and lovely illustrations are great, but I find myself holding on to the photo cards we receive each year from our loved ones. They're also great tools for reminding my toddler the names of our HUGE extended family.
One of the reasons I love to use Shutterfly is that I can keep my photos uploaded to my account and they are there just-in-case something happens to our home computer. I also love that my Christmas card isn't necessarily going to look just like our neighbor's because they have an ENORMOUS selection of holiday card designs...seriously, folks...I've not even viewed the whole selection yet because there are so many. BUT, here are a few of the designs I love so far...

You've probably seen Shutterfly's photobooks too....I ordered my first photobook to summarize Titus' first year. It's gorgeous. And, I love that my Titus loves looking at it to see what he looked like as a baby. And the calendars! We have an Eldridge tradition of having a photo calendar every year with pictures on the dates of birthdays and anniversaries. What a perfect gift.
Well, you'd probably like having Shutterfly give you your Christmas cards for FREE too, right? Go HERE to participate...and ENJOY the upcoming holidays!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
A New Fabric Collection

I'm a little slow these days at accomplishing tasks outside of changing a diaper or the TV channel... :) So, my thought is that I would sell these as fat quarter bundles. Any thoughts from my quilter friends?
Have a fabulous weekend!
Monday, October 11, 2010
A Calendar Winner!
Enjoy all your new projects, Teresa!
Monday, October 4, 2010
2011 Sewing Calendar GIVEAWAY
Friday, October 1, 2010
I'm Baaaaack...!
And here's a little something else I've been meaning to share. I was published for my very first time :) This is the 2011 Sewing Calendar by Accord Publishing. It folds out and is F-U-L-L of cute sewing projects that take a few hours or less to complete. My feature is the summer roadtrip pillow tutorial in my sidebar -->
The cool news, is that I'm going to give one of these calendars away on Monday, so come back and enter, okay? Have a great weekend! I'm off to squish some more kissable cheeks.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Knit Treasures
Look at this hand-knit loveliness... These are treasures that I received in the mail this week from my dear friend, Lynsey. I've never learned to knit and am just amazed at the craftsmanship! That Lynsey is a crafty gal...she actually JUST gave birth to her baby boy about 3 weeks ago, and SOMEHOW found time to make/send these to me!
I can't wait to put them on a little newborn punkin' head and pair of tootsies. Won't these make for sweet newborn photos?
They're made with 100% baby Alpaca wool, and are they ever soft! I told Lynsey that if all baby alpacas are that soft, I want one for my backyard.... ;)
So, "D-Day" is quickly approaching, as we are discussing induction with the doctor for next week, just 'cause I'm ready and we make some big baby boys around here :) If you don't hear from me for awhile, please know that it's not you,....it's me. :) Not that we're breaking up....I'll get some photos of our new little bug up here before you know it. In the meantime, ......Titus and I are lazying around....
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Carve your own Rubber Stamps...HOW-TO

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Pillow {Talk} Swap...Received!
I received the most amazing pillow from the Pillow Talk {Swap} on Flickr a few weeks ago, but I'm just now placing it in our newly-painted nursery!
This awesome piece of work came from "Little Miss Shabby"! I love the color scheme and hexagon choices...her embroidery is to die for!
Go ahead and be jealous of this cutie pillow! ;) xoxo
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
More from the World of Illustration

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Fabric Giveaway!!!

Kerri has so many CUTE red and aqua fabrics in her online shop! Don't you love her picture above with the little suitcases?? adorable.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pillow Front
I whipped up a swatch of Spoonflower fabric that features John's new family pup, "Tula". She turned out to be just the right size for little hexie sewing. Now you know why I was so reluctant to show the front ;) Little Tula would have given away the surprise!
We're off to see "Gordon" from Sesame Street in-person tomorrow at our PBS Kids in the Park day....Titus is super stoked to "meet" Super Why! (If you have a toddler, you probably understand this completely, right?) Happy weekend, all!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Pillow Talk Swap
My pillow is finished for the Pillow {Talk} Swap....someone tried to claim it as his own...silly carebear...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Modern Improv Quilt
I used Kona solids with Anna Maria Horner's "Good Folks" line (adriatic colorway). It's sashed in my favorite Robert Kauffman white...so soft.
I'm at a loss on the best way to quilt it...should I stipple again? Should I do some sort of grid? What do you think???
OH! And my good friend, Kerri is featuring some of my new illustrations on her blog today...check it out HERE.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day
Exhibit B: The ingenious mixer cover that allows you to clean your mixer once and not again until after you use it again....(I'm not the ingenious one to invent it, of course, but I will try to get a tutorial up for you soon...) I ended up making one for my mother-in-law and for my two sisters-in-law that visited this weekend.
And, this purty stack came from my hubby, who said, "I was going to just let you pick something out for Mother's Day..." Sounds good to me ;)