Whoooop! Where has the time gone? Probably into the hours.and.I.do.mean.HOURS I've been spending on
Pinterest and
IKEA recently :) Are you on Pinterest??? Bah! You should be! It's sah-weet!
Remember me rambling about taking a break from illustrating books to allow time for my hubs to work on his MBA and for me to make sure I hold down the fort with now TWO boys running around? Welp, every bit of my creativity is welling up inside, bustin' to do something creative-like......so I've decided to redecorate the downstairs. Crazy. Yup.
The dining room is gone. Well, not literally the room, just the fact that it is no longer for dining, but for playing. We broke down and created a playroom. Best idea ever. I just kept fighting it because I was holding onto that piece of me (pre-kiddos) that LOVED to entertain guests and set a mean Martha Stewart table for Thanksgiving. Who am I kidding? I'd rather my kids get their marble run off my coffee table. Who's with me?
Long story short (cause it's been since, what? AUGUST 2nd since I posted last) I've been pinning away all the ideas I can glean from Pinterest's wealth of creativity. I've fallen in love with curtains (all of them) from
Urban Outfitters. And the last 3 lines of fabric by
Anna Maria Horner (I might as well upholster the whole house in it. Love.it.) Oh, and chevrons...cause they're everywhere right now, right?
Somebody stop me.