...When you're having fun!
Where has this summer gone?? It's August already??? This is the time, where if I were still teaching, I would start to get a churning in my tummy at the thought of having to get up early and go to work again ;) But that's because I'm lazy ;) Seriously, I loved teaching and love staying home with Titus even more.
What's new with you? Here's what I'm working on during nap time today...

Reading the manual so I can fire up this bad boy postal scale :) I was getting tired of paying more for shipping at the post office than online. But, the catch is that I need a scale to purchase accurate postage online....This one came from Wally world....hope it works ;)

Doll Quilt Swap 7 sneaky-peeky for ya! It's coming along and needs a really cute, pieced back and binding idea...

I finally upgraded from the baby wipes cardboard box to plastic storage bins for my fabric stash! Now I have lids and moisture protection...but if you're in a pinch, diaper and wipes boxes are great for storing fabric! And, you can call yourself "green"!

And, something pretty to look at. Thanks to
Heather and many other swappy friends, my Flea Market Fancy stash is growing! I REALLY want to use Denyse Schmidt's
"Single Girl" pattern to make a quilt for my bed. Jeremy is getting a "Katie Jumprope" quilt, so we should have Denyse "his and hers" quilts.......eventually.....ha!
And, finally, if you're still holding on for some
Willard the Gnome fabric, bless your heart! I have a couple more orders from Spoonflower on the way, hopefully by next week. Thanks for all your support! xo