I try not to worry too much about holiday traditions each year, and whether or not we can squeeze them ALLLLL in. There are a few traditions that are simple and always make me smile. This year is the first year we will have 4 Christmas stockings hanging at our fireplace. Clayton James is officially part of the family :)
While being completely busy with a 3 year old and a 4 month old, I miss quilting and sewing AND anything artsy at this point. I so wanted to make Christmas stockings for our boys, but knew I couldn't find the time. So, this is my comprimise. I embroidered their names by hand on store-bought stockings. AGH! store-bought stockings! But, it's okay...because the holidays are all about "rollin' with it". And this year, I'm just going to adjust to the fun of being a stay-at-home-momma of two boys under 3 years old.
Here's why I love Christmas stockings...
My parents still have their stockings from when they were little. In fact, one fell apart and my aunt mended it for my mother because she made that stocking for her back in 1950something :) And, my brother & I still have ours from childhood...of course, we keep them at our parents house because they still fill 'em! ;)
The year my husband and I got married, I didn't own a sewing machine. So, I made a little pattern for myself and sewed them by hand. I don't have the heart to replace them with "nicer" ones, because it's all about the memories for stockings.
It's not about the gifts and the treasures placed inside the stockings...it's not even about the stockings to be truthful. So this year, try something new with me and don't fuss about the traditions...make some memories even if they can't be HANDMADE.